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Always wanted a professional Logo? Don’t know where to start? Stuck for ideas or have a logo but it’s low quality? 
This is where Chante Tiara Design can help. 
With hundreds of logos under our belt, we are not newbies in this sector. Each and every logo is truly unique and we never do any two the same. 
Always wanted your pet on your logo? This is absolutely something we can do. 
Want something clean, simple and classy. Great, we’ve got you. 
Pricing starts from £70 but depends on the project so each logo will have individual pricing. 
Enquire today filling in the form below. Remember to give as much detail as possible for your brief just to make the process easier. 
Wanting images of your pets within your logo? Upload a forward facing high quality photo. Only use one that you’d be happy to have on your logo.


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